108+ Average Guys Are Copy-Pasting These DMs

to Rizz Up 8s & 9s (Effortlessly)

WITHOUT Getting Ignored, Ghosted, or Friendzoned + 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Hit Play (Make Sure Sound Is ON!)

Picture This...


It’s 11PM, you’re in bed, and you see this 8 on IG who is just your type.

You ramp up the courage and decide to dm her.

You pull out your list of openers from the rizz ebook and choose the best one for the story you’re replying to. 

"you look like my future ex girlfriend" (bonus)

You copy-paste it and tap send. 

5 MINUTES LATER, she answers back. 

“Hahaha whaat? Whyy”

You transfer to the response section, find another dm, copy-paste BOOM, send. 

She replies INSTANTLY

You follow the texting rules and mindsets you learned to continue the convo. 

After a couple minutes, step #3, another copy-paste-send. 

Now you’ve progressed to the next level.

You go to sleep. 

Wake up the next day, do your thing and text her later on…

Blablabla, nice.

You’re moving so suave, you’re feeling like THE MAN…

You’re rizzing her up SO GOOD you can't help but brag to your friends when they say:

"Damn bruv you're so smooth I need to steal your lines"

And then before long… you can start to TELL

she wants you

You can start to SEE she can’t wait to meet you

You begin to KNOW you’re IN. 

So, BOOM, step 4.

You pull out the mythical rizz-ebook, 

Choose your favorite line, 


and before you know it…

you’re meeting her friday at 6PM.


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Get Instant Access To The Copy & Paste Rizz E-Book - All Access Edition For Only $19.99 $8.99 Today. Delivered Instantly.

Now Available For Instant Access!

Backed By Our 30-Day "No Bitches?" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

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  • The Art Of Texting

  • Rizz PHD Mindsets

  • Texting 101: 10 Rules Of A DM Master

  • The 4-Step Rizz Formula (Copy & Paste)


  • 10 Smooth-Operator Questions

  • Rizz In The DM's Premium Analysis

  • Find The Baddies

  • The Final Secret To Success

*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!

Here's What The G's Inside Are Saying

From a nerdy simp to in a relationship with his crush who's "out of his league"

"Thanks to the rizz ebook now I have a girlfriend [...] I am a bit nerdy and I got frienzoned in very humiliating ways [..] I had a crush and I used the lines from the ebook and we hooked up [..] now we're boyfriend & girlfriend"

- Victor

From scared of girls to having 5 lined up in his dm's ready to link

"All I have to say is the Rizz Ebook is legit [...] it got me from being scared of girls [...] to now having 5 in my dm's I can meet whenever I want."

- Leo

"From 0 to 2 girls in 14 days"

"Used one of the openers & got her in less than 7 days"

"Once I applied the hack [...] she came back [...] asking if she could come over"

Curious About What You're Getting?

100% risk free - 30 day money back guarantee

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside Your Copy-Paste Rizz E-Book...

The Art Of Texting

  • The DARK TRUTHS Of Texting Females

  • How to use the cringy lines of 90% of men to your advantage

  • The key difference between simps and players

The PHD Rizz Mindsets

  • The Counter-Intuitive Belief That Will Turn You Into A Smooth-Operator

  • How To Get Girls Like James Bond


  • The Little-Known MIND-HACK Of A High Value Man

  • How To Get Rid Any Nerves/Anxiety When Talking To A Girl

The 10 Rules Of A Dm Master (Texting 101)

  • 1st Rule: How To Get The Most Out Of Every Girl You DM

  • 2nd Rule: How To Make Her ADDICTED To Texting You

  • 3rd Rule: How To Reply Like A Pro (Plus Examples Of A Good & Bad Convo)

  • 4rth Rule: How To Make Her Put More Effort Than You

  • 5th Rule: How To Use The Untold Technique That Makes Her Fantasize About You

  • 6th Rule: How To Use The "Secret Weapon" To Make Her CHASE YOU

  • 7th Rule: How To Make Her Come Begging Back For You After She Does You Wrong

  • 8th Rule: How To Use Dan Bilzerian's #1 Dating Advice To Turn You Into The Prize

  • 9th Rule: How To Make Sure To NEVER Get Used By Her

  • 10th Rule: How To Use Female Psychology To Increase Your Chances By 50%

The 4-STEP RIZZ FORMULA (Copy & Paste)

  • Copy-Paste These Irresistible Openers To Make Her Ask "Who Is This GUY?!"

  • The A-Level Responses Of A Top Tier Player

  • The Next Step To Go From A Random To Her #1 Guy

  • The Word-for-word SAUCE To Make Her Wet With Exitement To See You

PLUS These Bonuses For $0.00

Smooth Questions

Don't know how to keep the convo going? Here are 10 smooth-operator questions to make her fall for your rizz


Rizz In The DM'S

Premium analysis of the 4-step formula Plus bonus texting and rizz tips you can start applying right away


Find The Baddies + The Secret

Step-by-step on how to find 8s & 9s to dm and hook up with + the fundamental KEY to success in getting girls through IG


"What Is The Copy & Paste Rizz Ebook And Why Should I Get It?"

My G,

If you'd like to be such a smooth motherf#cker that you can dm ANY GIRL you like...

And after a couple minutes of texting, u get her so hooked that she can't wait to meet you...

This ebook is for you.

So WHY & HOW did I write it...??

My clients always asked me “Axel, how do I slide in her dm’s?” “when do I text back?” “how do I reply?”

So I made a basic texting guide with some that were proven to work for them to use.

A couple days later, my phone started blowing up with several of my clients praising me for this guide,

They said it was getting them CRAZY results and some were even meeting 1-2 NEW GIRLS per WEEK  

Leo (a client of mine) went from not getting ANY girls to having 5 baddies LINED UP in his dm’s ready to see him.

I decided to refine the lines, add follow-ups, closes and incorporate my secret 4-STEP FORMULA to make it as easy as possible

Finally, I wrote extra texting rules and high-value mindsets for my clients to NAIL IT every single time.

Since this guide turned out to be such a masterpiece I thought "Brev – I have to release this as an ebook"

And here we are.

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TOTAL VALUE = $128.93

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Get Instant Access To The Copy & Paste Rizz E-Book - All Access Edition For Only $19.99 $8.99 Today. Delivered Instantly.

Ready to be THAT GUY?

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From a nerdy simp to in a relationship with his crush who's "out of his league"

"Thanks to the rizz ebook now I have a girlfriend [...] I am a bit nerdy, I got frienzoned in very humiliating ways [..] I had a crush and I used the lines from the ebook and we hooked up [..] now we're boyfriend & girlfriend"

- Victor

From scared of girls to having 5 lined up in his dm's ready to link

"All I have to say is the Rizz Ebook is legit [...] it got me from being scared of girls [...] to now having 5 in my dm's I can meet whenever I want."

- Leo

Backed By The 30 Day "No Bitches!?" 100% MONEY BACK Guarantee

If 30 days after getting the rizz ebook, you:

  • Copy-paste the lines and dm at least 10 girls

  • Specifically use every single tool, technique and hack inside

  • Follow the conversation using the 4-step formula

  • Don't mess it up by breaking any of the 10 texting rules

And there's STILL no girls you might get with) or conversations that are close to you 2 meeting...

I will personally coach you for 30 more days until you do AND if we still can't get results I'll refund you 100% of your money BACK


Either you invest the price of a t-shirt and start getting girls...


You don't see results and get your $19.99 $8.99 back

All the downside is on my end bro


So it's all up to you my G...

What Type Of Man Are YOU??

Type A are the guys who TAKE ACTION,

The guys who know what they want, and do what is needed to GET IT.

These men have the hot girlfriends, make the big money, and live the great lives.

These men are wanted by females and admired by guys...

Imagine bragging to your envious friends after you show them the new high-quality 9/10 you met with last week

Type A, is the type of man who gets the rizz-ebook because he knows it's what will get him where he wants to be

Then there's type B.

They're too scared of losing $9.99 and changing their lives in any way, so they waste the opportunity and close this tab.

These are the men who stay in the friend-zone,

the men who keep making the same mistakes over and over that make girls reject them,

the men who waste hours of their lives on females who wouldn't have sex with them even if they were paid to

Type B are the men who are doomed to a life of fat chicks, p0rn, and AI girlfriends

JUST BECAUSE they were too scared to take action.

These are the guys who double-text the girl THEY WOULD'VE HAD, while she's getting fvcked by the G who knows what's in the rizz ebook

The guys who get friendzoned by the chick THEY WOULD'VE BEEN WITH

The guys who regret their actions because THEY WOULD'VE BEEN THE MAN if only...

they were a bit braver

If ONLY they'd wanted it just a little bit more

And If ONLY they hadn't closed this tab and had TAKEN ACTION instead

You Have 2 Choices...



Step 2) Put In Your Details & Invest

Step 3) Go Through The Rizz Ebook

Step 4) Use The Lines

Step 5) Reply To The 4 Baddies Who Texted Back


Step 1) Close This Tab

Step 2) Close The Popup

Step 3) Go Back To Your Nerdy Life

Step 4) Dm A Girl, Get Left On Read & Feel Like A Loser

Step 5) Regret Not Getting The Rizz Ebook

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You're Instantly Saving $11.00

Available NOW At +50% OFF

"Too easy bro your shit works like magic, I went from 0 bitches to having 2 I link up w every week"

Verified Customer

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Frequently Asked Questions

"Why Should I Spend $19.99 $9.99 On Something I Can Learn On YouTube?"?

I see your point brodi, BUT, the golden knowledge inside the rizz ebook... just isn't on YT.


Because it's UP-DA-TED

This is the shit that works in 2025

YouTube "dating goooroooos" or dumbass influencers are telling you what you ALREADY KNOW but packaged in a different way.

And most advice I hear is "go to the gym" "get rich" "focus on yourself"

That's true.

But – I focus on what you can change RIGHT NOW...

I focus on what you can do TODAY to get a baddie.

So if you're too afraid to invest $8.99 THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC + FRIES which you'll GET BACK if you don't see results...

I get it. And honestly bro I don't even want you to get the rizz ebook with that shitty ass mindset.

"How Do I Know This Will Work For Me?"

I'd love to tell you the copy-paste rizz ebook will 100% work for you.

But my man, how the fuck would I know.

I can tell you that if you correctly apply all the sauce inside and TAKE ACTION, then yeah it'll work for you.

I can also tell you that if you're one of those mf's that learns something and does NOTHING...

If you're one of those men who DOESN'T TAKE ACTION and just "learns" to feel productive – it might still work

(because the rizz ebook is kickass and it'll engrain in your subcouncious...)

but you'll probably just get the same results you're getting now.

So yeah, action takers, you're good.

Lazy wussies too scared to DO SHIT, you're out.

"Does It Work Even If I Live In XYZ Country?"

G you could be from the fucking artic and this shit would still work (if there were baddies with IG over there)

I don't care if you're from Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, OR THE FUCKING JUNGLE

If you have an internet connection, a phone, and girls you want to smash with IG, the hacks inside the rizz ebook work.

It's true that different cultures have different relationship styles, all you have to do is adapt the sauce to your specific situation.

If you want to find a wifey, use the same lines and everything but with a different goal than f#cking in mind.

If you want to get with hot girls, use the same lines and everything with f#cking in mind.

The only things that change are what you want and what you get, but the process to get there is the same.

"Why Is It So Cheap, What's The Catch?"

There is no catch.

The price is +50% OFF because right now I'm focused on getting this to as many men as possible.

Once I get a specific number of men inside and I can prove on a large scale that my shit works, the price will jump up.

If you want to be one of those men who invest in the ebook and starts GETTING 7s and 8s in 14 DAYS, don't wait any longer my brother, time is running out.

"What Exactly IS The Rizz Ebook?"

To make it as accessible as possible I decided it would be a gangster, easy to read and entertaining as fuck pdf document.

Yes, it's a PDF document.

I know you might be thinking, "What. The. Fuck. I'm Paying $9.99 For A Document?"

Okay bro I get that, BUT, not only does it look kick-ass, it also has a shit ton of value inside that you can't get anywhere else.

Yes, I could've made it into a vid/audio course... I just didn't feel like it

AND, it's filled with interactive content (pictures and stuff) so it's way easier to do as a document.

So are you gonna cry about it being accessible on ALL YOUR DEVICES so you can learn how to get baddies ANYWHERE YOU GO

Or are you gonna be a man and read the fking pdf.

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"How Will I Get Access To The Copy-Paste Rizz Ebook?"

After getting it through stripe you'll receive an email with the a Special Gift + The Copy-Paste Rizz Ebook for you to download and use RIGHT AWAY

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The Clock Is Ticking... Time To Take ACTION

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